The project news in Ukyo-ku newspaper!
The project news will appear on the cover of the local Ukyo Ward! newspaper! (Oct. 15 edition)

The project news will appear on the cover of the local Ukyo Ward! newspaper! (Oct. 15 edition)
Team member, Miyuki Era (2nd-year, Dept. of Global Tourism), visited Fujimoto-san in Keihoku on October 4th to hand over the project poster in person.
Hello, This is Web Team!
Thank you very much to all the people who have accessed our website since the first day we opened it to the public! Once again, we are very happy that all the project members were able to complete the project and make it a success. In creating the website, we tried to find a balance between “readability” and “design”. We received good advice from various people and made lots of little improvements, so we feel that, even though it was very difficult, we were able to achieve our aims. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers who taught us how to manage the layouts and write up content. Thank you very much. We would also like to thank everyone who has visited this page. Actually, the story behind the production of this website is that we, the web production members (Ryo and Sora), had never actually met each other face-to-face until the release of the site on October 1st. However, when we were working together remotely, we started talking about each other’s hobbies and other stuff, and even though we had never met before, we became like old friends. When we met for the first time at the university the other day, the first words out of our mouths were “Nice to meet you,” but after that, we just talked endlessly. From this, we can honestly say we experienced the advantages of both online and face-to-face communication. These days, it seems to be all doom and gloom, but we are very happy to know that there is also another side to the story. Thank you very much for reading this far. I hope you enjoy the website we’ve created, all the articles that the members covered, and the beautiful photos!
Hello everyone! Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you will enjoy discovering the wonderful people, places and charms of Ukyo-ku.